One of the best times to bond with a pet porcupine is their snack time. I wanted this article to be a complete resource to pet lovers who want to keep porcupines. Porcupine quills are a favorite ornament and good-luck charm in Africa. Please leave a comment below. Baby porcupines tend to stay with their mom or dad for up to 12 months. It can end up getting killed because it may not be used to using the quills for defensive purpose when it needs to. The young ones are born with soft quills that take couple of hours to harden and they stay with their mothers for at least 6 months after birth. They collect these bones, and store them in an underground chamber, or cave. We have to understand that just like other exotic pets we have tamed overtime, porcupines could be amazing pets too. Slightly steamed veggies like broccoli, squashes, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach and pumpkin works wonders as well. So sense he hung out in my yard all the time I started sitting down by him a few times everyday. How is the porcupine doing right now? Is this article helpful? Say hello to the largest rodent in Africa. That porcupine had so much to talk about, it would sit there everyday and snuggle up against my back or legs as I sat on the ground. So about 7-10 of hanging out I figured that one of my cats came up behind me and was snuggled up against my back. I happened to look in the field next to the carcass and saw a young porcupine. African crested porcupines are originally from the African continent so they might not be genetically protected from the bacteria found where you stay at. They can be trained to some extent as they do well with positive reinforcement behavior. Spunky is a little bit more shy. Exotic Animal FAQs pages and 100's of animal photos and dedicated to the care and husbandry of captive exotic animals. I mean who would want to get quilled right? Even the biggest cat tree would be too small for the prehensile porcupines. The crested porcupine takes care of the young for a long time and small family groups consist of the adult pair and young of various ages. Not everyone keeps porcupines as pets so it is pretty cool to have one. In the wild, crested porcupines have to face a range of 55 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit and North American ones have to face below freezing to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. I kept in touch with the people that bought my home encase they had any questions about the well, heating, lines in the ground and such. On these particular arboreal species, quills on the tail are really hard, tough and also points backwards enabling them to stay and climb on the tree branches. They are nocturnal but can also be active during days. They leave the den after one week. These sturdy, sharp quills, which are about 35 centimetres long and marked with alternating light and dark bands, provide highly effective protection against predators. The general rule for the cage is the bigger the cage, the better it is. The Crested Porcupine is the largest porcupine in the world. What kind of food do you feed your baby porcupine? The ears are external and both the eyes and ears are very small with long vibrissae on its head. The first thing that probably comes to your mind when you think of porcupine is; a creature with sharp needles likes spikes, waiting to throw them at you if you get closer. Porcupines have craving for salt since their natural diet is low in sodium. After an exhausting time I found a place about 3 hrs away and that would take it. I imagine the 5 were in a sort of nursery, but the 1 is causing me some concern. Cape porcupines are also known to gnaw on bones for calcium as well as in order to sharpen their incisors. In addition, they can use carrion on occasion. They need some sun but shaded area is also needed so they can cool themselves if they are kept outdoors. These circular quills can range up to 20 inches in length. Here are some of their cool facts and characteristics that are going to help you better understand these animals: Now let us look at some popular porcupines in the news. CLICK HERE TO SEE AFRICAN CRESTED PORCUPINES ... To pay in advance, you just need to give the airline your credit card number and they will not run the charge until I drop the baby off. They do not hibernate but tend to sleep a lot. This article is laid out for you in great detail to help you guide and decide if you really do want a pet porcupine. Our work reports the first data on reproductive biology and paternal behaviour of free-living crested porcupines in Europe. The crested porcupine is a terrestrial mammal; they very seldom climb trees, but can swim. The North American porcupine has over 30,000 quills! Its most heavily armed area is its hindquarters, which have short, thick quills. Another thing to keep in mind is to never let them be alarmed. Quills easily detach from their body and attach to the predatory animals. Very enlightening, very educational, I loved it. To my amazement they were ok with it and he comes back every summer to hang with his human friends. The length not counting the tail is approximately 25 – 41 inches. Porcupines can be housed outdoors or indoors but I recommend housing them indoors because better temperature control is possible indoors. Whatever you do don’t make it feel threatened or frightened. Pokey sleeps and plays with the dogs. Another concern is that since they are rodents, they could be the carriers of rabies and you can get rabies if you get bit by an infected porcupine. I knew it was my old friend Spike. We sold the house to a very nice couple. Make some kind of small noise or talk to them like you would do with any other pet while approaching them. Privacy Policy | Delivery & FAQ | Terms & Conditions “ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”. FAQs and photos and husbandry information. North American ones are also noted to be really good swimmers because the hollow quills helps them stay afloat in water. In the wild their life span is 5-8 years but in captivity they can live for more than 10 years. They are incredibly protective of themselves and do not hesitate to use these threatening defensive structures. Hey we found a porcupine that had lost all of its back quills not that long ago and we were keeping him and carrying for him and this morning while checking on him I noticed that he was laying on his side and not moving at all he is still breathing and what not but will not eat or drink, there are also these small white bugs on him that may have something to do with it? Ground dwelling ones like the African crested porcupines love digging for roots in the wild so they may also enjoy eating edible tubers and tuber roots like yams and sweet potatoes. They have a lot of daily needs which has to be taken into considerations. Sometimes, humans dig up these bones. I am not sure if I will get a reply in time to help this one here, but yes, it will help me if a similar situation arises again in the future, so would really appreciate your help. After a week or so my cats weren’t bothered by it at all so we just hung out together for hours sometime. This mammal is recognizable by the quills that run along the head, nape, and back that can be raised into a crest, hence the name crested porcupine. During winter seasons some species of porcupines also depend on barks and conifer needles. All species of porcupines are solitary, slow moving animals that live in trees trunks, hollow logs, trees, burrows or rock crevices in the wild. Snickers has not been renamed stinkers. They are nocturnal and monogamous. At the end of that summer I had to move far away. Her owner Allison at Zooniversity had her since she was found as a new born baby orphaned in a barn in a farm in Texas. Mating occurs only at night, both in and out of the burrow. You should definitely try to contact the closest ‘animal shelters and rescue of endangered species in India’ asap. A total of 44 litters was recorded at … Hence, it is best to keep them separate from other pets, unless there is a rare occurrence where they get along together. Hind foot is 3 – 3.6 inches (7.5 – 9.1 cm) long. Also note that, if you want to breed them then very likely you may need a license from your local Department of Wildlife. They do well in outdoor exhibits, and only need to. How does it work? You said, she is only 2 months old. They don’t shoot the quills (spikes) in the air but you will get hit if they feel threatened. The face is small and usually darker in color as compared to the rest of their body. This rodent is 25 – 29 inches long (63-73 cm) and weighs about 18 – 51 pounds (8-23 kg). This porcupine has a shorter tail which has rattle quills at the end. The rattle quills broaden at the terminal end and the broad portion is hollow with thin walls. However, they should not be the subject of terror. They do not have canine teeth. Thanks! Ever dapper, the Crested Porcupine Friend dresses herself in a simple but stylish black sweater-vest over top of a gray dress shirt and white business ti… I whispered to my friend, “I can’t leave the little guy” she says back “I know you can’t “. From that day on that porcupine stole my heart!! The porcupine is identified by its specialized hairs or quills. For the porcupines that do not climb trees (terrestrial), like crested, cages need to be longer than taller. Share this article in your favorite social media sites: I recently adopted 4 Palawan Porcupines. I hope this helps. Porcupines are affectionate and love to snuggle and rub their nose on you once they get to know you. I always think that a Porcupine is too dangerous but after reading your article, I like to have one as my pet. Contrary to the popular belief, however, no species of porcupines shoot the quills in the air. I’m assuming he’s teeth will grow back, but until then I’m afraid he will not get enough to eat. It’s large enough to have some quills, but is just sitting under a fallen (small) tree. Don’t startle or surprise it. Before you keep any porcupines, you have to make sure they are legal to keep as pets where you stay at. He actually came when I called him this last weekend!! At this time, the spines begin to harden. Nose is a vulnerable spot. I) under the right scapula overlying and attached to the third rib. At postmortem examination the porcupine had a large mucinous tumour (fig. Not to much longer and she’ll be to heavy for me to pick up. Porcupines definitely smell a lot more. Porcupines have special adaptations to help them chew. Got about 3-4 miles away and I had to stop. First he started talking to me “all the time”. Don’t move fast around a porcupine. If continually bothered, the crested porcupine will stamp its feet, whirr the quills, and charge the disturber back end first trying to stab the enemy with the thicker, shorter quills. These prickly rodents inhabit hilly, rocky areas across sub-Saharan Africa, ranging to the northern tip of the continent. It is in porcupine’s nature to be defensive first. Ground dwelling ones like the African crested porcupines love digging for roots in the wild so they may also enjoy eating edible tubers and tuber roots like yams and sweet potatoes. Temperature is not really going to be a big issue if it does not exceed that of their natural habitats. African Crested Porcupines are one of the largest rodents in the world – weighing up to a whopping 27kg and measuring almost one metre in length! Like all other rodents their incisors (front teeth) grow all the time. Shop Pet Supplies © 2020 | All Pets, All The Time All Rights Reserved. When these quills are vibrated, they produce a hiss-like rattle. Fresh water must be available at all times and food and water bowls must be disinfected daily. Their nose is soft to touch and doesn’t have any quills. Porcupines are not known to chase and attack people or other animals. There are two families or porcupines, Hystricidae (Old World Porcupines) and Erethizontidae (New … Porcupines do need their teeth in order to survive. They inherited my porcupine pet. Buttercup the North American is spoiled also she jabbers at me till I pick her up. But if you make a connection with a porcupine by learning about it and spend time with it could turn out to be very rewarding in the long run. They also love corn on a cob and yellow pumpkins. There are definitely more cons in keeping porcupines then pros. Porcupines are herbivores. All he wanted was companionship a friend to hangout with. They like to be petted as well. The underside … (If you have porcupine as a pet, please be sure to share your story and experience in the comment down below.). Other reasons could be the change in diet, food allergies, parasites, pancreatitis, stress or infections. At birth, the young are covered with short hair and the back spines are soft; the spines begin to harden after one week. When other pets are around, this could be a concern because naturally other pets like dogs and cats are very inquisitive. Snickers, Twix, and Kit Kat. Occasionally, they will gnaw on old carcasses and bones to get calcium and to wear down their teeth. Please keep us updated on your baby porker. Their unique features have generated great interests from some humans but a majority of us wouldn’t be looking to keep porcupines as pets. So you need to facilitate this natural digging behavior. I called all over trying to find a rescue shelter that would rehab a porcupine. Prominent pockets create enlarged areas of attachment for chewing muscles. Right now we have an albino Crested male , he has been in the house for almost a year. Food is another way to get the porcupine to not be nervous. An African crested porcupine's sharp, sturdy quills help protect it against predators. The barbs that run along the tip of the quill shaft facilitate this easy attachment, also assisting the quill to move up the skin surface and puncture vital internal organs. intensive care period of the young within the family group. The one that is probably most commonly kept as pets is the largest species, the North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum). Light is needed but too much light should be avoided. I am not a vet so I can’t tell you what could be the exact reasons why she’s got diarrhea. If you don’t want your porcupine to chew on these, spray them with capsaicin based ‘hot sauce’ repellent. The crested porcupine is found in Italy, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. When they feel threatened, they will warn you first by showing their quills; flaring them all along the body including the tail. Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species. Maybe similar to Rabbits except for the quills and the smell. Their previous owner did not give any information on how to care for them. African crested porcupines are originally from the African continent so they might not be genetically protected from the bacteria found where you stay at. Length of the tail ranges from 5.7 – 12 inches (14.5 – 30 cm). So I’m on number 2 of my porcupine experience and hoping the second will be as rewarding as the first. In the wild, their habitat ranges from the grasslands, shrub lands, mountains, forests and even deserts. Do not totally surprise them either. They are basically the great ambassadors for the porcupine species. Well about a month goes by, I wasn’t looking for my poop little friend anymore and to my amazement here he is in my front yard once again!!! It sounds like it’s a bit similar to owning a rabbit. Even though she might have started eating solid food as soon as she turned 2 weeks old, she needs mommy’s milk (or a substitute) till she is 5-6 months old. They weigh approximately 50 lbs. African Crested Porcupines are native to Africa so naturally, they are keen on warm temperatures. Another suggestion is to steam the fruits and veggies, just enough to make them little softer. and are about 30” in length, and have very poor vision. Chat $2.99. People wonder how we got into porcupines. Crested Porcupine Hystrix cristata. A 10-year-old male African crested porcupine (Hystrix cristala) was one of an apparently infertile pair in a zoological collection in Great Britain. The echidna, also known as they the spiny anteater, is a type of monotreme covered in sharp, rigid spines and long, bristly hairs. And like all rodents, their front teeth (incisors) continue to grow throughout their life. Typically responds in 17 hours #Animals … What if later on you think keeping porcupine is not cool anymore? They are arboreal hence belong to the new world kind. I have an orphaned baby porker that is eating well but has not pooped in 4 days what should I do? They look bigger and bushy when they do this. Bananas are soft, easy to eat and porcupines love them. He was a chatterbox it was so cute. Request $15. After about 210 days of gestation, female gives birth to 1-2 babies. It has been recorded from sea level to 2,550 m (8,370 ft) in Moroccan Anti-Atlas. I wonder if anything happened to the parent porcupines. It is illegal to keep them in a lot of American states. This species is proving to be very adaptable to the varied habitats of it's home range. It is always best to keep them calm by letting them know that you are no harm to them if you want to avoid any accidents. Any objects handled by human hands like, wooden tool handles, gloves, hoses, tires, wooden structures etc. More About African Crested Porcupines. Furthermore, if the quill breaks within the body, it can lead to infections. If kept indoors, the temperature can be maintained to a constant 75 degrees for any species. Tatertot, the newest African Crested Porcupine, was born to ecstatic parents, Tater and Dave. 5.0. Also due to their predatory nature, dogs don’t usually learn their lessons after they get quilled once. Pet Food Recall – True Raw Choice Dehydrated Natural Pet Treats, 14 animals that are surprisingly legal to own as pets in the US – News Report. For Brush Tailed porcupines, the minimum requirement is 5 x 5 x 6 (150 cu ft) and for every additional porcupine, the cage space should be increased by at least 20 %. TY so much for this article! Reproductive season depends on which part of the world the porcupine is from. There are 2 kinds of porcupines. These animals have been observed to 11,000 feet, that is over two miles high! Over the years he has been great for school presentation and animal shows and loves to entertain people. Unfortunately by this time the injured porcupine was no where to be found. It wasn’t injured anymore it’s quills were back and it had a great appetite!!! The young weigh about 1,000 g (2.2 lb) at birth, which is about 5% of the mother's weight. However, I believe big wire cages are ideal for porcupines. Collar bones are very much reduced, and one incisor, one premolar and three molars are present in each quadrant. They have a chunky, stocky body. If you got a baby porcupine as a pet but later, down the road, want to release it in the wild, keep in mind that it may not be able to survive in the wild. The new world ones (Erethizontidae) and the old world ones (Hystricidae) are not related to one another, except the fact that they are both rodents. These are not the front teeth and they are in the inner chamber of their mouth and unfortunately if they lose these teeth, they do not grow back. . He was super sweet. You have to use stainless steel or ceramic crocks instead. They are such sweet critters, wish they didn’t have such a bad rap. I am writing from India…Was hoping if you could give me basic guidance on how to rescue an injured crested porcupine (an endangered species) near my home which is breathing shallow and has blood oozing from it’s nose… I think it’s been hit by some vehicle. For lighting, normal incandescent or fluorescent lighting is good. Mighty punch with a tail full of quills is going to be painful no doubt. If your porcupine keeps turning food away after trying all this, I think you might have to take it to a vet or call animal rescue group in your area. I about pooped myself. Porcupines love … Chewies can be something non toxic like birch or willow branch. Activity: DIY Porcupine Defense Create your own quills! Another species that is kept is the Prehensile-tailed porcupines (Coendou). Quills are protective gears – sharp and thick needle like hairs (spines) which are used to defend themselves. Keeping some could turn out to be quite expensive in the long run. Of course they said that it never got upset. Aquariums are fine as long as it is well ventilated and spacious. When fall came around my porcupine disappears off into the woods, I figured he was gone forever. Besides the incisors, they also have cheek teeth – the molars and premolars. Cape porcupines are the largest rodents in Africa and also the world's largest porcupines. I’ll trap it and bring it to safety if it’s still there tomorrow. Plains – A slice of Africa is recreated in Indianapolis in the expansive Plains exhibit. They live in the animal enclosure called the Jungle here at our ranch "zoo". Therefore, in captivity I think it would be wise to set regular eating hours for them. See all 5 reviews. Male and females are pretty much the same size. After 12 hours, start feeding her only pumpkins ( or sweet potato) for a couple of days. are very likely to be chewed on by porcupines because of the salt present in human sweat. The North African crested porcupine is the largest porcupine on earth. they do best at … Bintu, the African Crested Porcupine from the Staten Island Zoo would love to help you send your message! I sat super super still not wanting to get quilled. Well, that is really not the case. These guys are very traditional, finding a partner that they stay with for life. This is because once it gets used to you, your pets and the surroundings; it may have no fear of other pets, wild animals or humans. While housing them you have to consider their wild habitats and build housing accordingly. With the dorsal side (backside) and the tail covered with approximately 30,000 quills, they can literally drive hundreds of quills at a time into their predators. I do see another one waaaay up in a nearby tree, but it looks quite small as well. Though, it may very likely depend on what continent you are at. Except for the Crested and the North American, all other species are from sub-tropical or tropical climate. Even if you already have one, I hope this is still going to help you better care for your porcupines. Most of what is known about reproduction in the crested porcupine comes from individuals in captivity. Like I said, I am not a vet and if one vet didn’t find what is wrong with your porcupine, I suggest you go to another one. Drove back and found the little guy again and took him home. If a young porcupine is kept together with cats and dogs from the very early years, they all may be able to coexist together without anyone getting hurt. He is a very friendly porcupine who loves to climb on everything. When you said ‘large 4 front teeth’, I am thinking you mean the incisors. I figured it went into the woods and died. They also have a special arrangement of their jaw muscles which helps them to chew more efficiently. Now for the newborn porcupines, they start eating solid food 2 weeks after birth but continue to nurse up to 5 – 6 months. In the wild their diet consists of twigs, berries, leaves, roots, stem and other vegetation. If he is eating milk and soaked bread, that is good news. I was so sad. One of the important must know about keeping porcupines as a pet is being prepared for the worst. People have varied experience while keeping these rodents as pets. However make sure that they are not ingesting too much salt. He was found alone orphaned as a porcupette (baby porcupine) and was raised in a home as a pet before being relocated in the conservation center. So, make sure fresh water is available to your porcupine at all times. Hence, you have to clean the food, wash it thoroughly before giving it to them. Never scoop it up and bring it close to your body quickly. Oh crap I told myself, went over to see if the little guy was hurt or anything. They might take a bite of a food and if they don’t like it, move on to the next one, if more options are available. I don’t know how it happened since he lives outside under one of my sheds. We always started with babies that were raised on the bottle. If you want to bookmark it in your browser to read it later, you can do so by pressing Ctrl and D at the same time in your keyboard. They are not cuddly like cats and dogs nor are they like birds, reptiles, fish or other mammals. Like I mentioned above, they also need to be housed imitating their natural habitat. New quills will grow in to replace lost ones. Just like keeping any other pets, you need to take care of porcupines basic needs of housing and food.