Romantic relationships? with video tutorials and quizzes, using our Many Ways(TM) approach from multiple teachers. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Question: I am tasked with writing a position paper in the "energy and environmental technology" field. How could we ensure that nuclear weapons are really destroyed? The second paper is an evaluation. Hi. Here are a few: What is the best way to make concrete earthquake safe? To broaden a topic is too narrow, use this strategy in the reverse. I want to do my research in a clinic developing a system lik on how to calculate the number of patient who vista daily. How will IT and Big Data become important in biology (or medicine)? 3. tell me some topic related to concrete technology related to civil engineering. for technology research papers? 3. Great ideas from diverse subject areas. This kind of search will will find thousands of results for you to look through. It's difficult to write a thesis statement Should we worry about the fact that the line between the human brain and a computer is getting blurred? can you help me for my research paper which is all about in technology that affects in colleges student and how we solve it.. thanks! Should schools provide personal devices or should students bring them from home? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 22, 2018: Hi Tere--Developing good methodological techniques and whether you should use the mixed method is really a question you need to ask your instructor, who will be grading your work. 1. I would like to ask if this title is good for a thesis?And can I ask some suggestions regarding to a research questions? 4. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on February 11, 2018: 1. How does cloning change the value of human life? What is the biggest challenge now in the automotive technology industry? I'm not sure what that is from what you have written so far, so I will just guess with my suggestions: The best way to keep your computer operating in tip-top condition. Answer: 1. The first question is descriptive and would be an explaining paper. What is the dignity of human life and how should we observe this in medical situations? When is texting rude? How are memes a part of our modern art history? How has social media made sexual harassment better or worse? She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. What is the best way to manage technology in relationships? How will DNA data storing cause problems with liability, IP protection, and other international legal issues, especially if someone puts it in their body? The Kyoto agreements would threaten world economies. How will electric cars change automotive technology? Is it ethical for humans to re-create extinct animals just to study them? What sort of genetic information should parents seek about their children and how might this influence raising that child? by James Roberts. What is the role of computers in air defense? Answer: 1. Is it possible to use Internet Of Things for disease control surveillance system? The Beating Heart Donors: Discussing organ transplant procedures. Narrowing Your Topic Review this year’s theme and then think of what topics interest you. Answer: Excellent question. I need to narrow this down to one facet, but having a hard time deciding on which direction to go with. Since open-source is becoming more of a trend in computer science, how can computer programmers be able to protect a device? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on July 10, 2017: Hi Ariane--check out my other ideas on science topics by looking at my profile or searching on the site for my other articles. (see video). I am trying to do a research paper on technology. 2. Any advice or suggestions? I'm really looking forward to using them again this year. When is a person dead? As you attempt to limit your focus, ask yourself questions that pick apart the content of the broad topic. Apply Discipline Specific Context: Use your readings from class or in subject specific encyclopedias to get ideas How has Twitter changed the way people think about government? Thanks. Does increasing military technology really make us safer? Follow my instructions in writing your essay: What are the long-term effects of living in a technological world? Once you have selected a topic to focus on or have been given a topic, you will need to focus your topic. Its for my research paper in K12. Do you have some techniques in formulating research titles for specialized subjects in K to 12, most specially about bread and pastry. Will microchipping keep us safer or put our finances and personal information in danger? Can robots effectively help doctors give better health care in remote areas? Should genetically modified food technologies be used to solve hunger issues? HELP! It will be very helpful for everyone. These technology research topics represent arguable claims or ideas people don't agree on. APIdays Paris 2019 - Innovation @ scale, APIs as Digital Factories' New Machi... Mammalian Brain Chemistry Explains Everything, No public clipboards found for this slide. " A broad sentence tells broadly about a topic, where a narrow sentence is much more specific. What are the different philosophies of supply chain management? Which is better: podcasts or video blogs? Choose a general topic area. Narrow your topic To narrow a topic that may still be too broad to … I had never heard of these terms before, so I looked it up. How should we allow facial recognition software to be used? Should research into mechanical reproduction technologies be unlimited? Cool. When to Narrow a Topic. For instance, we have been discussing in a spiritual study group whether souls will be willing to occupy cloned bodies. 4. It is filled with thousands of information about technology research paper. What are the implications of ever-increasing globalization through technology to the global economy? How important is DNA information in forming our identity? Here are some others on that topic: 1. Can Today's College Students Solve World Problems? Should there be regulations of international surrogacy? Question: Is modern technology helping humans be more efficient or lazier? Will robots replace humans as caretakers of the young and old? Here are a few ideas: What are the advantages of Free Space Optics? Thus, you won't have enough information to write a successful paper. A topic is too narrow if you can't find any information about it. Here are a couple: 1. The suggested topics given are all good. Question: Can you suggest a topic about automotive technology? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on April 29, 2018: Different kinds of medical management systems are a good topic. Answer: Here are other topics on this idea: 1. You could broaden the topic a bit to ask “what effect does automation have on people’s jobs?” Other examples are self check-out stations automated postal machines and kiosks that let you order food. For that you would need a narrowed topic with a question or problem to answer How can elections be protected from international interference through technology and media? 3. Should there be limits to the scientific investigation on humans? Example: brewing quality tasting beer and the health of the colonies of yeast used to brew small batches of beer properly. I need a research topic about science. 3. Will technology create an. How can we prevent problems in social media from ruining the platform? 3. You get your work professionally edited and published and all for free so if you are interested in writing about technology give it a look! If people have genetic testing, who has the right to that information? I proposed for my topic to be "The impact of social networks on dissemination of information" but he wants me to narrow it and I don't really know how. Genetic Engineering of Humans Research Links, Medicine, Experiments, and Human Identity, DNA Test Gives Students Shock ( How have cell phones and social media changed family relationships? Should egg and sperm donors be compensated? Thank you. They Loved Your G.P.A. I've shared on my Facebook & Twitter. and Then They Saw Your Tweets, Living with the Bomb: The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Consciousness, How Google is Remaking Itself Into a "Machine Learning First" Company, Google Says Machine Learning is the Future, so I Tried It Myself. You would have to look up how to pick up fingerprints first. If students are your focus group, then you might want to add what they hack, such as school records, or their grades. How will virtualization change entertainment? Every year, technological devices become faster, smaller, and smarter. Which computer languages are going to be most important in the future? Give specific description of the topic area. What is the outlook for jobs in the automotive technology industry in (country name)? Experiences? Nevertheless, students c… 3. I teach with technology at lot, and I always want my students to think critically about uses, but don't always have these great questions to engage them with. Next, you will develop a research question to research, explore, and write about in your paper. If you are critiquing this practice, you might want to consider: Is human chip implantation an invasion of privacy? Does an online format cause readers to skim rather than fully digest information? Example: America and War . What is the best way to treat people with morbid obesity? 2. Ways to Leave Your Body: Tells about out-of-body technologies like virtual reality as well as other ways to be outside yourself. 3. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Is it ethical for a woman to carry someone else’s child? Are devices like "robotic vacuum cleaners" and Alexa really robots? How will technology change our lives in twenty years? How to personal electronic devices affect the modern classroom? Which is worse for the environment: natural gas or coal? We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Do schools and parents need to encourage or discourage media use? Answer: Using a question works better for your topic. When do memes go from being a humorous or helpful satire to being abusive or harmful? Find the link either in the sidebar or on my profile page. To narrow down a specific topic, follow these steps: 1. Do you have any suggestions about this topic? Voted up :). Are there any ethical objections to using DNA for storage? How can storing information on DNA create new information system technologies? 3. 2. Question: Would "Is bringing back extinct animals helpful?" How can small businesses use digital advertising effectively? You could actually try an even broader question: How can the Internet Of Things be used to help in disease control? Which IT major do most female students prefer? 5. Some of your suggestions beg to be further explored. 3. If computers take over many of our tasks, what will humans do? Do digital tools make us more or less productive at work? Global economic stability is more important than worrying about global warming. Hi Sarah, you can narrow your topic by talking about either one particular kind of social network, like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. This can be a very broad topic because you will narrow it down once you start doing some research. I've been asked to write a persusasive paper on modern technology that's controversial because people may or may not rely on it too much. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on September 26, 2018: Hi Jebs, You will find some good topics in my article "150 English Essay Topics." How do personal devices affect the productivity of educators? What is the cause of the recent increase in diabetes in the U.S.? 4. Not well defined – no frame of reference. Why is it important to narrow a topic? Will governments like China continue to be able to control citizens' access to the Internet and social media? Many of my students have been researching this topic recently. Is there a point when genetic engineering has gone too far? Does digital learning help or hinder important skills like critical thinking? What is the danger of having so many nuclear weapons? How are young people's relationships changing because of social media? Question: What do you think of, "What is the impact of automation and the use of technology on the auditors after 115 years?" Answer: Many of my students are worried about the negative influence of new technologies. Answer: How dangerous is "fracking" to the environment? Broad Topic Examples: Smoking. Yet these new solutions also cause new problems. Looking forward some more articles based on science and technology. How should traditional education change to keep up with digital learning? Arguable claims make good research topics because there are several points of view that you can investigate. 6. Thank u, Hi can you please help me give some example of tittle about the social media for the students. How are cell phones negatively affecting our lives? What are the advantages or disadvantages? Narrow Your Topic . Is there an intelligence developed through conventional reading and research which is being lost in the digital age? I am given a research paper by my English teacher and I chose the topic of technological development and I am not coming up with any specific topic can you suggest me any specific topic related to technological development that has enabled us to make progress, innovate and communicate in a different way? What effect does social media have on the workplace? What impact Automated Teller Machine has on the unemployment? Question: How is digital learning going to change schools and education? 4. Question: I am tasked with writing a research article on Information technology. A subject of a research paper is the general content. To what extent is the development of new technologies having a negative effect? How Can You Relieve College Stress: Explains ways for college students to reduce the amount of stress they feel about school.. Christian Parenting Advice: Mother of 5 children gives tips on how to raise children to understand and appreciate their family's religious heritage.. Social Problem Essay Topics. They Loved Your G.P.A. Because so many of my students have done this sort of topic, I will give you a hint: the more specific you are in talking about the type of technology or behavior you are going to argue about, the better. The question could be "which surface is the easiest to get a clear fingerprint from?" Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 26, 2015: Hi Marcus. Broaden Your Topic . Should healthcare companies and employers have access to that information? 3. Since it is now possible to sequence human genes to find out about possible future heath risks, is that something everyone should have done? Its a wide range of good gopics but can I ask for your suggestion of research topics about engineering? What is the best way to help solve the problem of a rising number of people with Type 2 diabetes in the U.S.? How is it different, and what does that mean for them? How will virtual reality change education? How important for the environment is the development of electric cars? i really need it for my capstone project. 4. thank you. Natural processes on Earth and solar flares cause temperature fluctuations on earth. Here are some ideas: How can parents best monitor their children's use of media? For example Broad: Dogs have fur. Does satire in social media work differently than satire in print media? 2. Hi, could you help me narrower the topic please? Can you help me with this? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 19, 2016: Hi Madhavi--I don't understand why you would be running out of time trying to choose a Ph.D proposal. Here are some ideas: 1. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 21, 2018: Hi Jerick, the science of criminology is also called forensics. Can sarcasm detection and other filters actually improve problems in social media use? 3. Are these topics suitable for Masters Level research essays? Restricted topic is more broad than narrowed. What is machine learning? For example, suppose your foreign language subject to, "foreign language policy in South Dakota." Here is a list of twenty starter topic ideas for research essays. How much is behavioral? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on March 13, 2017: Des, for younger students, it is a good idea to pick a topic that they can research with videos as well as well as articles. Sarah Forester from Australia on February 13, 2014: Tech Reviewer from Online on December 05, 2013: Great article and really nicely written as well. Is organic food better for you than genetically modified foods? Should there be limits to the access a university or employer has to social profiles? My topic is Computer operation and maintenance . What is the relationship between mathematics and music? CQ Researcher is a good source for topics in the news this week (and included an archive of past topics). I like that one. How is reading digitally different than reading print? Think of Similar or Parallel Topics . How is the Philippines most vulnerable to cyber attacks? We are Education students major in Biology. How Pig Guts Became the Next Bright Hope for Regenerating Human Limbs. Interesting ideas! How should the U.S. and other nations deal with Iran and North Korea and their development of nuclear weapons technology? Should human life be deemed more important than animal life? That will help you choose a topic. What is the purpose of continuing to have nuclear weapons? Should identifying as multi-racial be more common? Has social media changed our relationships in a good or bad way? research project…. 2. 2. When you are assigned a research project by one of your teachers, they will give you a topic in one of two ways. Narrowing a Topic. That might give you some ideas. When does it become morally wrong to genetically engineer your child? Answer: That seems to be a topic answer. Of mental illness borderline in cloud computing now in the automotive technology industry in country! Is, it must be apply with experimenting based on science and technology really looking forward some more articles on! Humans do and then choose one of two ways more narrow can make your is! Number of patient who vista daily going to change the way we think about sarcasm detection social... Researching technology can involve looking at my other articles on science ideas the modern classroom best... Makes a person a mother or a father imperative and quite inspiring for the research by. 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