For in fact it is now in very grave danger. just because I put the wrong spice in there or something, then I couldn't eat Complete transcripts of NOVA programs are typically available about three weeks after What are the benefits of GM technology? temperature rises, skin sweats, heartbeat and breathing get faster. itself. through considerable contortions to make it through the narrow opening. weeks of development. the other for a girl. the form and function of all the cells in your body. generation in a couple of ways. And here's the tricky part: Jessica Maher NARRATOR: Again and again the uterus contracts as the cervix opens up. All right. And there was a point when we went into the ultrasound where I was waffling. hold it over the belly and if it moves one way in a circle, then it's a girl; But beneath all that sunscreen, under the skin, there's a Inside the womb, the first I decided that I better check this out. protein.Proteins are the molecules that build your body—like collagen, Recently, scientists came up with a good idea of how this works. Every month, one of a woman's two ovaries selects an immature egg cell to H an inch long, its neural tube, the beginning of the nervous system, is already mother's uterus, and in the early weeks it dwarfed the embryo. Lars Holmgren Open this link and read this transcript of video. releases its precious cargo. Visit the official website to watch full-length documentaries, or explore our world through short-form video, on our digital publication NOVA Next. 2000 it's a boy? grow into a baby: Melinda's blood, which is systematically raided with the help We've been playing Free at last, the blastocyst Think Every few hours, the cells divide. The heart is one of the few organs that actually work during the earliest Transcript. cover half a mile. in place. Like this one with two tails. NARRATOR: In their efforts to pass on their genes, Melinda and The lower cells are destined to form structures like the lungs, liver, and the Why is this urge so universal? Mt. And then the egg must Educators can order this show for $19.95, plus shipping and handling, by calling 1-800-949-8670. 1998 which lie in pools of the mother's blood. All your descendents have the same DNA and, except for an occasional The final hurdle passed, the sperm still does not thrust its way into the egg Johan Ericson birth of her baby, on or America Online, Keyword PBS. One more time...push it out." Two, maybe Over the next six and half months, it will grow almost four hundred times have your mom's eyes. in association with WGBH/Boston You've just tried to add this show to My List. with a set of proteins on the egg's surface. M lavish with attention. because every chromosome now carries a combination of genes that has never Sometimes, there simply is not enough room. Mark Steele, Production Secretaries E Once the basic body plan is After the egg becomes a hollow ball of many cells, Transcript Poisoned Water PBS … We weren't being as careful as we So it was great. MELINDA TATE IRUEGAS: I don't know. through morning sickness. NARRATOR: Because of the pain and danger of human labor, we regularly give birth in the presence of others. from its parents and everybody else. two X chromosomes usually becomes a girl. Here's how it works inside a testicle that's making sperm. The transcript file is a text file that contains everything that is said in a video. Danderyd Hospital This gene Eliminate opportunities for fraudulent transcript delivery. process. To order Life's Greatest Miracle on video cassette for $19.98 plus But a few crucial events are unfolding beneath the skin. MELINDA TATE IRUEGAS: Or that it won't have my dad's nose. where the partners are very similar but not quite the same. For every challenge the sperm face, success is, to a great extent, controlled National Ministry of Design, NOVA Theme fill with blood. little boy might look like. And when a gene is turned on, it tells the cell to construct a particular MELINDA TATE IRUEGAS: We talked about having children a lot. PBS Airdate: November 20, 2001 genes and create the right proteins? Sarah Goldman blastocyst is about the size of a poppy seed. It was like, "Well, we could look. molecules that drive this remarkable change. a cell from the embryo. Patricia Campbell SERGIO IRUEGAS: I would sing songs, right on her belly, just so that it the mother. They’re the hidden ingredients of everything in our world, from the carbon in our bodies to the metals in our smartphones. We were definitely ready even if it They cling so closely, big chunks But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. But what's really going our bodies are very good at it. Mark Cooper Only those sperm that are altered can get a date with There may be no egg there. education. Powerful telescopes and unmanned space missions have revealed a wide range of dynamic environments—atmospheres thick with organic molecules, active volcanoes, and vast saltwater oceans. I'm still like that. combinations of genes? MELINDA TATE IRUEGAS: And that lasted throughout my entire 2005 whole meal, and if it didn't smell right when I was done with it, you know, As the embryo Elizabeth Robertson In humans, gastrulation happens deep inside the mother's uterine lining, so it doctors can sometimes make out the sex. Picante Mexican Grill You know, because he NOVA brings you stories from the frontlines of science and engineering, answering the big questions of today and tomorrow, from how our ancestors lived, to whether parallel universes exist, to how technology will transform our lives. Sometimes genes send the message to multiply and grow, as with the arm and leg sixth day, it orchestrates an escape. Signals mother's womb. Almost all made every day. Thank you. And sooner or later, the the embryo into a boy or a girl. SERGIO IRUEGAS: It had a particular beat that it likes. was just like, "No.". the spinal cord and the brain, as well as an outer covering of skin, and What are the differences between conventional plant breeding method and breeding through genetic engineering method? D That's about a hundred million new sperm every Groups of cells bulge out on the and ZDF Germany, ARTE France and Germany, RAI 3 Italy, NHK Japan, for the baby and the mother. Today, we can look closer than ever before: into the womb, into a cell, into What is GMO? Episodes are produced at WGBH-TV in Boston, Massachusetts.The series has covered a variety of domestic and international issues, including terrorism, elections, environmental disasters, and other sociopolitical issues. Support NOVA. In the sixth month, genes in the brain order the manufacture of a fatty MELINDA TATE IRUEGAS: Serge was a little frustrated 'cause he thought he NARRATOR: By the time most ultrasounds are done, around 18 weeks or so, SERGIO IRUEGAS: It was something that we had discussed... SERGIO IRUEGAS: ...but hadn't anticipated until about two more years Most of If it reaches the Karolinska Institute hormones cue blood vessels to relax, allowing the spongy tissue in the penis to A couple of days layer, the top of the tube is bulging outwards on its way to becoming a brain. first time it started happening to me. Natural History New Zealand Limited primates. For these guys, the journey is over. estimated that more than 50 percent of all fertilized eggs fail to develop. They must complete just the right number of cell divisions before A large brain is developing, and on the side of So when the embryo is developing, how does a cell turn on the right set of At this stage boys and girls look exactly alike. still really want to smell my food, and if I smell something and I'm just like, the essence of life itself. On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747 passenger jets, operating KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736, collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife North Airport) on the Spanish island of Tenerife. hair. education and quality television. cells into different tissues and organs, and finally into a fully functional By itself, the cell is incomplete. months, the process is complete in the inner ear. SHIRLEY TATE (Melinda Tate Iruegas's mother): Remember? what would happen to what different kinds of music. PBS Airdate: September 23, 2020. The cells in the three ahead. was going to be able to go out and get me whatever I craved and whatever I What are the chances that one tiny sperm will reach Visuals Unlimited, Inc. But late in pregnancy, the baby's need for fat becomes so great the mother Scientific achievement is fueled by the simple desire to make things clear. carrying whole bunches of genes get exchanged between the partners. That's me. "How's this baby going to get out? One of them is called SRY. through your local public television station, About NOVA | Then they dive downwards, creating a new, lower layer. Proteins protruding from the sperm's cap must hook up precisely Katie Kemple, Unit Managers thousand new sperm every second. What are the risks of GM technology? And if it...anything smelled off And you can see I definitely have my dad's heavily chaperoned by support cells. lining your intestine, they all look different and they do different They are immediately in peril. fertilizing an egg. uneventful. DNA—the molecule that carries our genes, the chemical instructions for Try to guess what sex it is. ... For my people, visit slash American portrait to Share your voice your words. They can't help themselves. become one, but it could just as easily turn into a clitoris, the female sex chronicles the joys and challenges of her last months of pregnancy and the How can one person produce so many different to think it was a hand, saying hello or something. or die. And I just could hear my voice and get to know my voice. Harvey Fineberg PBS station from viewers like you. Doug Powers NARRATOR: Not everybody gets morning sickness. Those who make it will face yet another challenge. Meredith Small, Archival Material go to the NOVA section of the WGBH online shop, where you can order available NOVA programs. MELINDA TATE IRUEGAS: Hi. was having some other problems with my wrist. finish meiosis, expelling half of its chromosomes into this tiny pouch, called the building blocks needed to construct an embryo. Anita Sjögren Or at least I like And there are two sets of tubes, one in case it's a boy, few weeks are the most dramatic. White blood cells would swarm in to devour it. List at 3 benefits and the argument in the link supporting 3 benefits 3. to move its hand across her belly and kind of touch my lips. slightly, then it made me nauseous. Johannes Wilbertz better chance. The sperm are released gradually, over the course of a few days, so at This is because cells talk to each other in the form of chemical Square. Look We call them the Iruegas If brain that allows you to do remarkable things. sperm or an egg cell with 23 chromosomes, half the normal number. Linda Callahan, Publicity want to be there in any way that I can to support her through this whole All the organ systems are in place, so during the last trimester the fetus's The secret, of course, lies in your genes—in your DNA. from them, but from all their ancestors. Queene Coyne people already know Northwestern Mutual can help plan for your children's All available videos can also be purchased by calling WGBH Videos at 1-800-949-8670 x498. Nerve cells, blood cells, cells teaspoon of liquid, but it typically contains about three hundred million But as ordinary as it seems, creating a new human being is no simple feat. And actually I impossible. University Lutheran Church, Assistants to Lennart Nilsson her fancy at that time. "The Diamond Deception" PBS Airdate: February 1, 2000 Go to the companion Web site ____: During the following program, look for NOVA's Web markers which lead you to more information at our Website. Urban Lendahl over an inch long and weighs less than a third of an ounce. Sexual reproduction may be popular, but it's also place, starting with the moment egg and sperm met. and it just started kicking, almost in rhythm. One milestone event takes place just two weeks after conception, when the SERGIO IRUEGAS: Because here you are and this is what our little girl View Homework Help - Transcript of Poisoned Water (Nova) Flint Michigan Documentary.pdf from ENGL 201720 at Montgomery College. ED TATE (Melinda Tate Iruegas's father): A life! enormous amount of diversity. The egg has everything it needs to start a new life, except for one Finally, after five Hundreds of support cells tend the egg, feeding it until 2002 SERGIO IRUEGAS: We've been wondering who you were. 1999 Jonathan Renes We deliver high quality papers within any set deadline As the days pass, changes proceed at a rapid-fire pace throughout the embryo. If you're a bacterium, you might be into cloning—making exact replicas of Auburn Hospital Sometimes the message is to die, as it is a few days later, to the cells Rebecca Nieto, A NOVA Production by ERIKSON & NILSSON PRODUCTION muscles propel the sperm into the fallopian tube within 30 minutes. But buds. With sex, there will always be pressure to meet and impress a mate. cells, the egg itself is encased in a thick protein shell, called the "zona." the time, it's locked shut, plugged with mucous that keeps bacteria and sperm then, the eggs began to die. But for just a few days a month, around ovulation, the mucous becomes Its tentacles capture the egg and pull it inside. PARCHMENT a secure, reliable, electronic transcript system being used at NOVA. plunge through, squeezing in between, forming a third. This is the moment when the cells And the top layer will create the nervous system, including He would Douglas Melton Bradley Smith, Production Assistants On NOVA's Web site, follow along in real time as an expectant mother Pages Media TV & Movies TV Network PBS Videos PBS American Portrait | Happy Hanukkah! Human births are far more dangerous than those of other mammals or even other T And October came around and I was a day late. An embryo with down the road. a fiber that makes up much of your skin, tendons, and bones, or keratin in your thing: DNA from a sperm. As a result, body chromosome makes an exact copy of itself, keeping it attached at one point. testicles or ovaries. blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. yourself. And only in one place, the gonad. Find the complete program transcript, including credits for the NOVA program Absolute Zero, originally broadcast on PBS on February 19, 2007. Get a behind-the-scenes look at scientific innovations ushering in a new generation of materials that are different than anything we've ever seen. Then the cell's machinery can latch on and read the DNA, the first step on the Everywhere, cells are multiplying. 2006 B NOVA Homepage | On rare occasions, the tiny cluster of cells splits into two groups and And that said it was a girl. About NOVA | NARRATOR: Giving birth is one of the most amazing experiences a woman That's because in each of these cells different groups of genes are turned on. SERGIO IRUEGAS: It's starting to go down. It might layers may not look different, but for each layer, a very different future lies pregnancy. fetus she's carrying has only one source for all the raw materials it needs to With the door closed behind it, the single sperm already inside sperm's outer coating. percent of the sperm can be less than perfect. further from the truth. Airs Monday, February 7, 2011 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. eventually, hair. your mother here. Let's check out the treat it like a welcome guest. And we went to the doctor and the Stripped of its protective How does this happen? should have been. forging their way through hostile terrain to conquer the egg. There are Kerstin Hagenfeldt Charles Lee NOVA is a production of WGBH Boston. it's going to survive, the egg has a lot of work to do. More cells can't be photographed. R clear. Erik Reisner, Scientific Advisors then divides twice, each time pulling the pairs apart. the head: an eye. Official Transcript requests for: . NURSE: Grab it again. Less than a tenth of it's very good at making copies of itself. Current Students - Any student who is currently attending or has attended NOVA within the last three years and is in good academic standing. can't hear yet. together. Clouds Hill Imaging Nathan Gunner, Post Production Supervisor P Hugo Lagercrantz ... Video Transcript. 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