Discover what the Bible says about God, Rachel, Leah, and Jacob, and how He used flawed people for His kingdom. Now jacob was in love with rachel so he said i will work for you 7 years in exchange for rachels hand in marriage laban agreed. Another interpretation of the verse, from the commentator Kli Yakar, is based on the Hebrew letter “mem.” “Mem” can mean “more than,” or it can mean, “through,” which would make the sentence, “Jacob loved Rachel more through Leah.” The Kli Yakar tells us this implies that Jacob loved Rachel even more “through” understanding the great sacrifice Rachel made for her sister by giving her to Jacob. She feels obligated not to resist his plot and to let God work through Laban according to His will. Next week, we will resolve the questions of why Hashem gave Leah children and why Rachel was jealous. Leah implores God through tears and prayer to change a heavenly decree that she marry Jacob’s brother Esav. God can turn these kind of situations around for us today if we serve Him and love Him with all our heart (Romans 8:28). I love them both as well as their History. Being that Esav was not interested in participating in this task, Jacob assumed his responsibilities and, ultimately, Esav’s intended partner, Leah. He immediately fell in love with the beautiful Rachel, but little did he know that Laban, a relative of his mother, was as dubious as he was. Rachel – Leah’s Sister. Probably it is because we tend to think of Rachel as being a very virtuous woman. When Rachel was desperate to have another son, it was her sister Leah's prayers that brought about the miraculous switch. But this did not satisfy Leah. Isn’t that a bit harsh? Submit your piece for review, and if approved we will publish it on our site as ", Bar Mitzvah – Keeping the Right Perspective, Bar and Bas Mitzvah – A Special Celebration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah: A Re-enactment of "Kabolas Hatorah", Shavu'os and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration, Marital Partners – Compatibility of Missions, Yael: A Righteous – Modest – Radical Part II, Rachel and Leah: The Appearance vs. Look at the body language in Michelangelo’s statues of Rachel and Leah, two of the wives of Jacob.The virtuous and fully robed Rachel (below) may be dressed in clothes that resemble a nun’s habit, but Leah (right) is definitely not. Their paths cross, seemingly by coincidence. Women of Genesis. But Leah was the first wife that he actually married, the first to bear his children, and the one to mother the majority of his children. Posted on January 22, 2020 By Rebbetzin Leah Kohn |, Have an article for I wonder sometimes if Jacob had a checklist that helped him know which of his women he should sleep with, and I quietly notice that he had no trouble bedding down with whomever, always one of his wives, of course. She called the child's name Ben-oni, meaning son of my sorrow, but Jacob renamed him Benjamin - meaning son of my right hand (Genesis 35). Not to be out done Rachel asked Jacob to sleep with her maid Bilhah. (ESV) How could God tell us that Rachel beamed with physical beauty while Leah lacked great eyes? Rachel was always jealous of Leah because Leah could bear children. (To review the familiar—but complex—story of Rachel and Leah, see the first sidebar to this article) Join the BAS Library! While neither of these scenarios would be acceptable to any normal father, Laban is more concerned with his own agenda, and he in fact threatens to kill Leah if she refuses to walk down the aisle. Already a library member? These woman were known for their strengths and beauty. In the Bible study Rachel and Leah, author Nicki Koziarz uncovers the truths you need to arm yourself with when combating comparison by studying the biblical account of Rachel and Leah. Rachel's troubles had only just began. Copyright © - Project Genesis. This is a true match made in heaven. On a practical level, Leah’s decision is not easy. Rachel had every cause to be annoyed with her father. The Bible describes Rachel as having 'a lovely figure and was beautiful' while leah was unattractive (Genesis 29:17). 3 Minute Read He sold them into servitude, and if that wasn’t demeaning enough, he probably received nowhere near their intrinsic worth. First of all, while the brother stories are about boys competing for their father’s love, the Rachel-Leah story is about two women competing for the love of their husband. A mysterious stranger travels from a distant land. Today, let’s focus on her younger sister Rachel. If you are like me, and have struggled with your body image, you might find it offensive that the bible depicts one sister by her physical attractiveness and the other as less attractive and desirable. Like Ruth, Leah and Rachel did not take the easiest, most natural course of action. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Leah being referred to in the Torah as “hated” (Genesis 29:31) Rachel’s jealousy when Leah has children (Genesis 30:1) A cursory look at Rachel and Leah may leave the impression that their story is one of hatred, jealousy and deceit. According to the bible, Rachel was the beautiful one who had captured the heart of Jacob. By way of reintroduction to Rachel and Leah – originally Rachel was supposed to marry Jacob, Leah was supposed to marry Esav, and together the four were to establish the Jewish Nation. Probably it is because we tend to think of Rachel as being a very virtuous woman. Like Ruth, Leah and Rachel did not take the easiest, most natural course of action. 1.Mention some of the troubles that Rachel and Leah faced in their home?2.Can past actions of our parents still affect us today?3.How can we prevent this?4.What were the weaknesses of Rachel?5.How many children did Rachel eventually have?6.Can God bless us despite our background?7.Why is it so important to forgive. Leah gives birth to two more sons after this, Issachar Rachel and Leah—two powerful but contrasting personalities, each representing a world of her own. What a family! Rachel and Leah come to life with emotions, quirks, and lives of their own. Just when it looked like things were looking up for Rachel another twist comes. Today in the absence of prophecy, we cannot be this passive, nor can we presume to know what God wants for us). The only thing Rachel had that Leah wanted, was Jacob’s love. Reality of Hatred, Jealousy and Deceit Part II, Pharaoh Delivers A Not So Subtle Reminder: I Made You Who You Are, Nice Guys Finish Second -- Second in Command to Pharoah, Leah’s decision to go ahead with her father, Laban’s deceitful plan for her marriage to Jacob (Genesis 29: 21-25), Rachel’s jealousy when Leah has children (Genesis 30:1). But without this willingness to cut against the grain, it is hard to see how the “household of Israel” would have been “built.” [20] Perhaps more importantly, when we see Rachel and Leah through the eyes of Ruth, they come across as exemplars to emulate. In addition, the sisters recognize their right to his inheritance. The name Rachel gave to her son reflects the sorrow and hurt she lived through. Enter Bilhah first – an orphan who finds slave-like work in Laban’s camp, although she is a free girl. This only intensified the rivalry between the two sisters. After seven years, the wedding took place, but Laban tricked Jacob by disguising his older daughter, Leah, and passing her off as the bride. He leaves his "land, his birthplace, his father's house" for a foreign land of trickery and backbreaking labour. Genesis 29:14-30 - 14 Then Laban said to him, “You are my own flesh and blood.” After Jacob had stayed with him for a whole month, 15 Laban said to him, “Just because you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for nothing? Jacob – himself a prophet who ultimately recognizes Leah’s future as a Jewish Matriarch – remains married to Leah (and works another seven years for Laban in order to marry Rachel). Rachel and Leah were sisters who looked very much alike, and since at the wedding she had a veil over her face, Jacob didn’t know which one it was. In Rachel’s and Leah’s culture, the main way women achieved status, and were viewed as blessed and successful by society, was by bearing children, particularly sons. It is in your own interest that you forgive. In addition, Leah knows that Laban’s plan is no basis for marriage – above all a marriage that is responsible for the birth of the Jewish people. Both Rachel, Leah and Jacob were bitterly hurt by this deception (Genesis 31:14-16). The Rachel-Leah story is “sandwiched” in between these two brother stories, and it has similarities to them thematically. Again, we must take into account additional factors in determining the precise nature of Rachel’s jealousy. Leah’s decision not to resist is grounded on her own prophetic knowledge that she is intended to be a matriarch. 7 years later he married Rachel. With hostility growing towards him Jacob decided it was time to do a run again. Enter Bilhah first – an orphan who finds slave-like work in Laban’s camp, although she is a free girl. She is constantly struggling to fit in. The Matriarch's went through extremes in the Land of Israel. It might be helpful to ask other believers to pray with you. Der Name Rachel (hebräisch רחל) bedeutet Mutterschaf. Leah sees prophetically that Jacob and four wives will give birth to the twelve future tribes of Israel. As a righteous woman, she does not want to replace her sister as Jacob’s wife (even though Rachel has given her the secret signals and agrees to the exchange). This two-part essay explores Rachel and Leah’s devotion to God, as expressed through three experiences that seem to the contrary. Rachel was Jacob’s first love and primary wife. Within this context, if we re-examine Leah’s passivity in allowing Laban to substitute her for Rachel, her decision takes on a more purposeful, goal-oriented tone. Sunday school activity about leah rachel for ages 3 6. In der Septuaginta wird der Name mit ραχηλ rachēl wiedergegeben. The story of two sisters, Rachel and Leah–married to the same man and trapped in the continuation of a sibling rivalry that had likely started well before their wedding days–shows us some amazing truths about physical beauty. Tracing their lives from childhood to maturity, Card shows how the women of Genesis change each other—and are changed again by the holy books that Jacob brings with him. Laban did not do right sneaking Leah into marry first. Rachel & Leah: Woman of Genesis, Book 3 (Hörbuch-Download): Orson Scott Card, Emily Janice Card, Phoenix Books: Audible Audiobooks It is a story of love, loss, family and betrayal. Her story includes the elements of a fairy tale romance—at least at first. Rachel traded Jacob to Leah (for a night) for some of Leah’s mandrakes (a root that was thought to make a barren woman bear children). Noth vermutet, dass die Kinder Rachels durch ihren Namen als Schafzüchter gekennzeichnet werden sollen. Jacob had to work another seven years before he could marry his beloved Rachel (Genesis 29). 3 Minute Read Familial tension in the Bible is typically sibling rivalry, rather than Oedipal conflict. Evaluate the impact of comparison in your life. We honor them as covenant-keepers – tested, tried and made worthy of the Lord’s highest blessings. By God's grace and your will power you can forgive. The bible doesn’t say how Leah must have felt watching her younger sister be chosen over her, but for Laban to resort to deceit to marry off Leah, makes me feel like Leah must not have suitors that were interested in her. By way of reintroduction to Rachel and Leah – originally Rachel was supposed to marry Jacob, Leah was supposed to marry Esav, and together the four were to establish the Jewish Nation. She agrees because she senses Divine intervention in Laban’s irrational scheme, precisely because it is so out of the ordinary. Rachel and Leah (2004) is the third novel in the Women of Genesis series by Orson Scott Card. The Torah refers to Esav as, “the one who was hated,” due to his undesirable behavior and his unwillingness to participate in spawning the Jews. We pulled out 3 plastic cups and placed different small toys under two of them. 32 Leah conceived and bore a son and named him Reuben, for she said, “Because the LORD has seen my affliction; surely now my husband will love me.” 33 Then she conceived again and bore a son and said, “Because the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this son also.” God blessed Leah with so many good sons and future leaders of the 12 Tribes of Israel. He sold them into servitude, and if that wasn’t demeaning enough, he probably received nowhere near their intrinsic worth. If you love God you will forgive those that have hurt you and refuse to harbour bitterness in your heart against them. Only Jesus can heal these kinds of aliments. Rachel is his first true love, and Leah is his spouse by the instigation of her deceitful father Laban. She is the mother of Jacob's first son Reuben. Laban and his sons were getting irritated at how well Jacob was doing. Rachel and Leah. The only thing Rachel had that Leah wanted, was Jacob’s love. Learn to define success through a biblical perspective. (To restate: Leah’s prophecy is at the heart of her choice to be passive and to let the course of events carry her. Sibling tragedy or the triumph of piety and compassion? 29 Laban gave his servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her attendant. And boy, can Leah have children. Eventually, Rachel was given to Jacob and the Bible does not mince words when it says that, “He loved Rachel more than Leah” (Gen. 29:30). Entonces se encendió la ira de Jacob contra Raquel, y dijo: ¿Estoy yo en lugar de Dios, que te ha negado el fruto de tu vientre? Which he does. Leah asked Jacob to sleep with her maid Zilpah and she too gave birth to two sons - Gad and Asher. Log in here. We see from the stories of Sarah’s barrenness, as well as that of Rachel and Leah, that a wife who cannot produce children might even feel the need to give her husband a surrogate to produce children for her (Gen 16:2, 30:3, 9), since otherwise, they are not fulfilling their function as wife. The remarks of Rachel and Leah in Genesis 31:14-15 (NIV). Rachel and Leah revolves around the four women who will eventually marry Jacob, son of Isaac and Rebekah. Religious women throughout the world have found comfort and inspiration in the stories of the great matriarchs of the Old Testament. Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. In terms of the paths Rachel and Leah take to marrying Jacob, Rachel has an easier time. Distressing though these episodes of sibling tension are, the most tragic example of sibling antagonism is between Rachel and Leah. Jacob loves Rachel upon meeting her, and works for her father-in-law for a total of fourteen years (seven in the beginning and another seven after Laban deceives him) in order to earn the privilege of marriage. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. Rachel named them Dan and Naphtali. When Leah has a second child before her righteous sister Rachel has had one, Leah sees it another reassurance from God. Laban told Jacob he would have to work for him for another seven years to win Rachel’s hand. Rachel and Leah: Longing and Fulfilment Our parsha tells the tale of Yaakov in exile. These need to be dealt with. We took turns mixing them up and trying to guess where the shell was. Next, we meet Leah, Laban’s oldest daughter whose “tender-eyes” have made her half-blind. In a certain way, this is a real galut. After seven years of hard work Laban tricked Jacob into marrying the older sister Leah - a lot of wine and a veil over the head of Leah during the wedding did the job. Last time we discussed Leah’s story. In addition, the sisters recognize their right to his inheritance. Favoritism causes strife in a family. The stranger fall head over heels in love with her from the moment they meet. 31 Now the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, and He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. On marrying Jacob she found herself unable to have children while Leah gave birth to four - Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah (Genesis 29:31-35). Rachel and Leah, who were sisters, and Bilhah and Zilphah (their maids). No marriage to Esau which would have been a disaster for Leah. Next, we meet Leah, Laban’s oldest daughter whose “tender-eyes” have made her half-blind. Leah was blessed with four sons in a row (Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah),9 Rachel’s maid bore two sons (Dan and Naftali), Leah’s maid gave birth to two sons (Gad and Asher), and Leah then had two more sons (Issachar and Zebulun), and fell pregnant yet again. Leah and Rachel Jacob’s Wives (Genesis chapters 29 to 35) Leah and Rachel were sisters. A mysterious stranger travels from a distant land. Unsurprisingly Rachel's name means 'ewe' - a female sheep. She is constantly struggling to fit in. I used to believe that Genesis 29:17 was the meanest verse in the whole Bible. Rachel and Leah is book three in New York Times bestselling author Orson Scott Card's Women of Genesis series—a unique reimagining of the biblical tale. Rachel – Leah’s Sister. Her story includes the elements of a fairy tale romance—at least at first. How does this piece of cultural information help you understand the competitive attitude between Rachel and Leah and the emotional pressure of the situation? Her clothes are modest enough, but they reveal the curves of her body. Even though Leah was the firstborn we almost always hear her mentioned last. Her father’s actions destroyed this. Jacob still wants Rachel andLaban tells him he’s going to have to work for another seven years. The custom was not to unveil the bride until they got home, and it was dark, and Jacob didn’t know that it wasn’t Rachel until the next morning. However, her hope and true love is found in the One who loves her perfectly. Jacob spent seven years working for Laban, Rachel’s father, to earn the right to marry his true love. Leah and Rachel realize the transgressions of their father. Tracing their lives from childhood to maturity, Card shows how the women of Genesis change each other—and are changed again by the holy books that Jacob brings with him. There was no sense of inferiority or superiority in their relationships. The Torah tells us that the first seven years seemed to Jacob “a few days because of his love for her (Genesis 29:20).” Jacob sees in Rachel the right partner for building the Jewish people, and the couple’s deep connection reflects this understanding. Rachel and Leah By Orson Scott Card. Their father, Laban, was Jacob's uncle. Card offers a glimpse into what Leah might have thought as her father, Laban, prepared to marry off his younger, more beautiful daughter first. Jacob loved labans younger daughter rachel. Leah was Jacob's first wife, and the older sister of his second (and favored) wife Rachel. Their paths cross, seemingly by coincidence. The early twentieth century commentator, Michtav MeEliyahu reinforces the idea that Jacob comes to understand Leah’s role as one of his partners in God’s plan: “Because [Jacob’s] destiny was to become Israel, he had to marry Leah, and God arranged for him to do so contrary to his perceptions at that moment.”. The Rachel and Leah Center, unofficially known as The Red Center, is a center established to house and train Handmaids. She pops out four in as many verses. Usually we hear them referred to as Rachel and Leah, not the other way around. Bible Commentary on Jacob and Rachel Being that the Torah sets forth Esav as “the one who was hated,” Leah is also referred to this way, to indicate that she was originally destined for Esav. It would not have been a pleasant place. By Samuel Dresner. Explore praise prays board jacob rachel leah on pinterest. She is constantly struggling to fit in. Being that Esav was not interested in participating in this task, Jacob assumed his responsibilities and, ultimately, Esav’s intended partner, Leah. When Leah has a second child before her righteous sister Rachel has had one, Leah sees it another reassurance from God. Rachel & Leah - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book: What Two Sisters Teach Us about Combating Comparison [Koziarz, Nicki] on Rachel & Leah - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book: What Two Sisters Teach Us about Combating Comparison These are: A cursory look at Rachel and Leah may leave the impression that their story is one of hatred, jealousy and deceit. Given this absence of favoritism, and based on our understanding about the nature of Leah’s being hated, it seems strange that the Torah then tells us that because Leah was hated, Hashem gives her children as soon as she is married (Genesis 29:31). These woman were known for their strengths and beauty. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. And he worked for Laban another seven years. Laban told Jacob he would have to work for him for another seven years to win Rachel’s hand. Lesen Sie ehrliche und unvoreingenommene Rezensionen von unseren Nutzern. Leah (Hebrew: לֵאָ֑ה‎) is an important, albeit minor, character in Judeo-Christian literature, the unloved wife of the Biblical patriarch Jacob. Even though Leah was the firstborn we almost always hear her mentioned last. Reviewed by Catherine K. Arveseth. Leah and Rachel. By contrast, the circumstances behind Leah’s marriage to Jacob are far more complex. Women in Judaism, Copyright (c) 2002 by Mrs. Leah Kohn and Project Genesis, Inc. The custom was not to unveil the bride until they got home, and it was dark, and Jacob didn’t know that it wasn’t Rachel until the next morning. Leah and Rachel Jacob’s Wives (Genesis chapters 29 to 35) Leah and Rachel were sisters. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. Their ancient lives offer us understanding and perspective. >From Laban’s point of view, he can easily assume that once Jacob discovers his ruse, he may either divorce Leah or make her life miserable in an unhappy marriage. The Bible’s original love triangle: Jacob, Leah, and Rachel Tricked by his father-in-law into marrying his true love’s sister, Jacob waited 14 years before he could be with Rachel. Rachel was always jealous of Leah because Leah could bear children. The story of how Jacob ends up marrying his two cousins, Leah and Rachel, begins in Canaan, with the marriage of his older twin, Esau, to two Hittite women of whom Isaac and Rebekah do not approve. Rachel and Leah were sisters who looked very much alike, and since at the wedding she had a veil over her face, Jacob didn’t know which one it was. Where’s the follow up verse that … The Bible does not say that Leah was jealous of Rachel over anything. Leah sees prophetically that Jacob and four wives will give birth to the twelve future tribes of Israel. Rachel and Leah were two sisters who married the same man - Jacob. As if to rob more salt into Rachel's wounds Leah herself got sexually active with Jacob again and gave birth to another two boys and one girl - Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah (Genesis 30). Rachel and Leah revolves around the four women who will eventually marry Jacob, son of Isaac and Rebekah. Sally Lloyd-Jones beautifully tells the story of Rachel and Leah, from Genesis 29-30, on page 70 of "The Jesus Storybook Bible." So rachel ran back home and told him father who welcomed jacob to his house. Rachel's life should stand out as a warning for us and not a mirror of our life. Jacob however was in for a nasty shock. [1] Damit in Beziehung stehen akkadische Personennamen wie Kuh, Kälbchen, Schaf oder Gazelle. Laban was a farmer. Abarbanel Shem MeShmuel Shabbos: Taam Chaim Mikra Haaros Growing with the Parsha Gal Einai Jerusalem Views Sfas Emes Weekly Halacha  Osher HaChaim, Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein - Mei Marom - Machshava - Rav Hirsch - Nesivos Shalom - Netziv - Meshech Chochmah - Gur Aryeh - Be’eros - HaMedrash V’HaMaaseh. The Bible does not say that Leah was jealous of Rachel over anything. 5. Within this context, the obvious question is, “who then hated Leah?” The midrash draws a connection between Leah’s being hated and her initial association as Esav’s intended. Just as he had deceived his own father many years ago (Genesis 27), so now Laban was to deceive him. Last time we discussed Leah’s story. There are various interpretations of the verse, “Hashem saw that Leah was hated.” One of the most compelling, from the midrash, is based on the fact that the text does not say Jacob hated Leah, but says simply that Leah was hated. Both Leah and Rachel happily agreed to go back to his home with him (Genesis 31). He had done her wrong. Her relationship with Jacob is natural, given it has been divinely decreed. Jacob went to his uncles house and asked if he could work. Remember that someone else’s gain is not your loss. (For more on this subject, please see class 44 “Tears of the Jewish Mothers). Rachel and Leah is book three in New York Times bestselling author Orson Scott Card's Women of Genesis series—a unique reimagining of the biblical tale. But there are also several important differences. Rachel and leah story sunday. Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel. She died during child birth. As Elyse Goldstein points out in Re-Visions: Seeing Torah Through A Feminist Lens, there are other sisters in the Torah besides Rachel and Leah, but these are either sisters to men (such as Miriam to Moses), or groups of sisters who are treated as a unit, rather than as individuals. Rachel traded Jacob to Leah (for a night) for some of Leah’s mandrakes (a root that was thought to make a barren woman bear children). Finally Rachel gave birth to a son herself. Then laban said he will pay jacob for working for him. After seven years, the wedding took place, but Laban tricked Jacob by disguising his older daughter, Leah, and passing her off as the bride. When Rachel was desperate to have another son, it was her sister Leah's prayers that brought about the miraculous switch. We hope you and your kids enjoy. In addition, the births of Leah’s children cause Rachel – a wholly righteous woman – to become jealous of Leah, given that Rachel is still barren at this point in the story: “Rachel saw that she had not borne children to Jacob, so Rachel became envious of her sister (Genesis 30:1).” This statement seems to contradict what the Torah has already told us about Rachel’s selfless decision to give Leah her own husband. To her son reflects the sorrow and hurt she lived through ( hebräisch רחל bedeutet! Has had one, ” reflects this fact s hand tension are, the circumstances behind Leah s! Captured the heart of Jacob 's uncle religious women throughout the world found! We honor them as covenant-keepers – tested, tried and made worthy the. Virtuous woman asked Jacob to sleep with her husband and his love for Rachel was always jealous Rachel! See class 44 “ Tears of the 12 tribes of Israel birthplace, his birthplace, his father house... 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