N.B. Kristen Kieffer is a fantasy fiction writer and the author of Build Your Best Writing Life. Your query can be rejected for all sorts of reasons. Sheila Ableman Literary Agency Genres: History | Science | Biography | Autobiography | Ghost-Writing | TV Tie-ins Postal submissions only:Sheila Ableman Literary Agency, 36 Duncan House, Fellows Road, London, NW3 3LZ Query letter, synopsis, the first 2 chapters, a brief bio, and an SAE. I’m new. Posted on November 15, 2017 by Sinead Heneghan. What matters is that the agent or editor connects with your work, loves your voice, and is just as passionate about your work being published as you. An agent at Rees Literary Agency, one of the first literary agencies in Boston, Lorin Rees is looking for new voices and authors. It's just as important as writing a great plot. For more details on each of our specific tastes, visit the AGENT’S page. Tom Corson-Knowles is the founder of TCK Publishing, and the bestselling author of 27 books including Secrets of the Six … After the expiration of a 30-day period following a submission to a Trident Media Group literary agent, you may make a submission to another agent at Trident Media Group. Daniella Cohen is most interested in literary fiction, narrative memoir, and psychological thriller. We respect your privacy. The task of an agent is not easy because most manuscripts go to the same publishers over and over again.Most books are presented only to 8 to 12 main publishers in the market in the first round of promotion. Lorin believes that a successful agent-writer relationship is about partnership and trust. All I ask is that if you have any interest from another agent you give me a little nudge – the sad fact is that literary agents (and editors) are like children or dogs: we always want what someone else has! From my perspective, it’s very much a negative to open a submission that begins ‘Dear Agent’ – or worse, ‘Dear Sir/Madam’. What matters is that the agent or editor connects with your work, loves your voice, and is just as passionate about your work being published as you. You can be out on submission for months, even years, first with literary agents and then again with publishers. When you get to the stage where you want an agent to sell your book to a publisher, having an awareness of what it already out there is very useful in those early exchanges. For your peace of mind and for your platform, build up a community of people that support you. On the non-fiction side, he loves to read literary and unusual narrative non-fiction and memoir, and is especially interested in writing on music, cultural history, nature and art. With that in mind I thought I’d put together my seven tips for submitting to a literary agent. Home; About ; Blog; Submissions Process; Submit Your Work; 6 Do’s (and 1 Don’t) for Submitting to a Literary Agent. Our list of 108 literary agents accepting submissions from writers is a great place to begin building a list of literary agencies to query and submit your work. Literary agent Sinead Heneghan offers some pointers on how to get publishing representation. … It can also mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. * Read the blog. BookEnds Literary Agency explains the proper submission format and writing technique. Prepare to Write, Revising for Publishing, Guest Teaching Post, Prepare to Write, Outlining. They read and dig through a backlog of emails and do their very best every day to give each one their full attention. These are quite general guidelines, but if you’re getting ready to send your novel out into the big wide world, hopefully they’ll give you an idea of what us pesky agents are looking for. Do you want a hard-nosed, straight-talking businessperson who will negotiate hard to get you the best monetary deal for your work? She aims to share her successes and failures so that other writers can grow and reach their goals, too. How to find a literary agent. Please read the guidelines below and then send your submissions to [email protected]. Sample letter + template included You want to know what a great query letter to literary agents should look like? If you suffer from a disability that makes using our form hard (including where you have an anxiety related to using forms) then please email (preferably) or write to us to explain and we will let you know how to submit by email or letter. I have read more than a thousand queries, and each one was special and unique. It is generally wiser to get an agent before you try a publisher, rather than the other way around. * Download a workbook. Bigger agents receive in the hundreds per day. I once heard it said that a writer writes words, but an author builds worlds. A literary agent can help you with the second task as they know the publishing industry inside out. Each agent’s individual profile page also has details on how to submit to that agent and when to expect a response. Do they speak about writing like it’s a passion, a job or in much more pretentious terms?