White sage is widely used to clear negative energies from a place, space, or person. Burning sage (also known as smudging) is an ancient spiritual ritual. Reduces heavy menstruation. White Sage grows wild across the American Southwest in bushy clumps. But white sage actually contains “thujone” which is an interesting mild psychoactive compound (found in many plants) and it’s connected to spiritual rituals. The dried leaves of white sage are typically used in smoking blends to improve mood. Purify Your Air. site and provides it a glance on a continuing basis. It is famous for its cleansing, purifying, and protective features. A 2007 STUDY found that burning sage for an hour reduced the levels of bacteria in the air by 94 percent, and this benefit lasted for 24 hours. Benefits Sinus Infections – If you burn white sage and inhale some of the smoke, be aware that it contains eucalyptol. These antioxidants provide protection against free radicals that damage skin cells, causing premature ageing of the skin. White sage, Salvia apiana, is a species that is native to the western part of the United States. Native Americans are well known to have used the healing properties of sage to drive out negative energy and evil spirits. 1. White sage is a herb held sacred by Native Americans for hundreds of years. I such a lot no doubt will make sure to do not disregard this *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. In the Middle Ages, White Sage is used to treat fevers, epilepsy, and liver disease and drunk as a healthful tonic to strengthen the memory. Inflammation of your sinuses happens when you suffer with bacterial, fungal, or viral contamination that leads to infections most of the time. When sage smoked alone the flavor can be intense, so it is often mixed with mullein. White sage, Salvia apiana, is the type most often seen in dried bundles in stores. Sage benefits include helping with Alzheimer’s and dementia, treating diabetes symptoms, balancing cholesterol, combating obesity, treating menopausal symptoms, and relieving diarrhea. This means they keep infectious... 2. Welcome to our blog: Heal your Soul, where we will focus on a specific topic or product and explain the benefits and how they can provide healing and promote positivity in your life. Sage comes in several varieties. It might be worth a try if nothing else has helped. Common sage, lavender sage, blue sage, black sage, and … White Sage has been known for its medicinal properties since centuries. Using White Sage. The fact that it has this drying effect on mucous membranes, means it could help women to reduce lactation during the weaning process, and also heavy menses. Other forms of sage can also be used for the smudge stick but the scent will be different and the cleansing effect maybe not quite as pronounced as with white sage. There is more you can be doing. Black sage has green leaves that can darken during droughts, giving it a very different appearance from white or blue sage. Again, it’s the 1,8-Cineole (which you get from white sage or eucalyptus herb), that controls the swelling to some degree. If you don’t want to burn it, drinking sage tea is an option. Increases Cognitive Abilities Beyond relieving negative energy and improving your mood, some RESEARCH shows that inhaling the scent of white sage can improve your alertness and even enhance cognition. White Sage recognises that true beauty begins from the inside – so we take a holistic functional approach. Healers and herbalists typically use white sage, also known as California or bee sage, for burning. Research has found that burning sage for an hour reduced the levels of bacteria in the air by 94 percent, and this benefit lasted for 24 hours. Smudging is the quickest way because when you inhale, the compounds go straight to your bloodstream and brain. Overview Information Sage is an herb. It’s all medicine! Copyright 2020   |   Suzy Cohen, America’s Pharmacist® & Dear Pharmacist, Inc.  |   All Rights Reserved Affiliate Disclosure. It’s all medicine. 9. However, both plants have a solid magickal pedigree, and many of their … It’s just a dried plant, that when burned, it gives off an aroma that many people find pleasing, but some do not. White sage has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb due to it’s cleansing, purifying, and protective plant compounds. White sage is regarded as a sacred plant by the Chumash people. Are You Lighting Your Incense Sticks the Right Way. Dragons blood when added to regular white sage – enhances the benefits of the white sage and gives you the extra boost of metaphysical protection Here’s some EVIDENCE in case you are interested in reading how this plant can activate receptors in the brain, the GABA ones that are responsible for improving mood and reducing stress. Sage is a staple cooking herb as well as a natural cleaning agent, pesticide and ritual object. White Sage is used to cleanse spaces, houses, rooms or environments of any kinds of subtle, old energies and prepare the space with fresh intent. Sage leaves were bundled together, then burned - the idea being that the resulting smoke drove away evil spirits and purified anyone who was present. It may help relieve the symptoms of some conditions It turns out that sage may help clear the air of lots more than... 3. (Some bundles sold commercially combine the two herbs and it’s very nice, but it will make a tired person even more sleepy). I am sure this piece of writing has touched all the internet visitors, its really White sage smudging is an ancient practice used for healing, ceremonial, and energy clearing work. Helps Boost Energy Levels Ridding your body and surrounding spaces of bad energy can help you welcome in newer, fresher, and more positive energy instead. For hundreds of years, White Sage has been considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant. weblog posts in this sort of area . 7. 1. Provides Cleansing Energy Sage is kind of like an eraser, it will help remove the day’s burdens and ease emotional suffering. Next, offer your friend a smudge too! Why Light an Incense Stick Before God? The White sage plant's seeds can be used to make a flour for mush or cornmeal. If you’d like, you can certainly pray while you burn the medicine. You’re just burning plant leaves rather than swallowing the supplement. The whole idea behind cleansing through burning sage is that the smoke that arises attaches itself to all the negative vibes within the space, being, or object. It is regarded as a sacred plant—an … If you would like to learn more about smudging, CLICK HERE to read my other article, How to Smudge with White Sage. If you’d like to learn about other herbs that also have healing properties, check out my FREE ebook by clicking the image below: 4. Maybe you could write next articles referring to this article. Setting an intention before smudging always helps you to use the White Sage to its full potential. The Native Americans used it to treat a cold by drinking tea made from smoked leaves in sweathouses. I’ve been exploring for a little bit for any high quality articles or The sage smudging spiritual benefits include inducing prophetic dreams, protection during shamanic journeying, astral travel, crystal grazing and other excursions. In European traditions, White Sage was associated with longevity, wisdom, and … Negative Ions vs. White Sage can be found in local stores or online. There’s also evidence that it can alleviate the symptoms of menopause like sweating, hot flashes, and estrogen imbalances. Exploring in Yahoo I eventually stumbled upon this site. Even the oil from white sage has great benefits. The Benefits And Uses of White Sage. You may have heard of Clary Sage or it’s respective essential oil. After some time, when the smoke settles to the ground, it brings down all the negative energy leaving refreshing positive energies. It may involve a different species of sage too . It’s also a common tool that many spiritual practitioners and seekers use today to … White sage promotes feelings of relaxation and also boosts memory. Fertilizer. Native Americans have used white sage for its medicinal properties for centuries. Benefits of Sage - History. A cold cup of white sage tea can relieve indigestion. I rip a bowl with some White Sage mixed in and praise the benefits of the mystical properties of Sage. White sage promotes feelings of relaxation and also boosts memory. White sage benefits from a good thick mulch applied in the fall. Since it has mild diuretic effects,... 3. … It offers excellent anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that promote health and prevents infections. It’s not uncommon to have a germination rate of 20-30%. The sage smudging spiritual benefits include inducing prophetic dreams, protection during shamanic journeying, astral travel, crystal grazing and other excursions. Sage Tea Benefits. White sage is often compared to clary sage (Salvia sclarea). Sage Smudging or Saging is a ritual where sage leaves or sticks are burned. It has certain health benefits, such as enhanced alertness and antimicrobial properties. 10 Amazing Benefits of Burning Sage and How to Use White Sage for Smudging. 2. Just FYI, the practice of burning herbs (aka smudging) is a non-religious one. Common sage, lavender sage, blue sage, black sage, and other types each have their own unique qualities, Yeager says. As well as cleaning the air you breathe, white sage has shown in research to benefit your mood, it can also help you get a good night’s sleep depending on the variation of sage you burn. Its leaves are whitish light green, and if the leaves are rubbed between the thumb and forefinger, you feel a revitalizing, cleansing and refreshing fragrance is released. Thunderstorm . While there are many other plant species named "sage," the majority of them belong to the Artemisia genus, such as mugwort. Not all sage plants are the same. It is an... Antibacterial – When consumed as a brewed tea, white sage can help to reduce the presence [3] of bacteria in your body. Here are 11 benefits just off the top of my head: 11 Benefits of White Sage This medicinal plant has impressive properties for your health, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. You can make your own white sage tea or buy a commercially prepared form at health food stores and online. This incense can help smudge you, your spaces and specific objects. Soothes Digestive Distress. If you are naturally sensitive to the energy put out by those around you, sage might lessen the impact of overwhelming or depleting people. Sage comes in many varieties. Some believe that burning sage is an important traditional remedy for treating mood … Burning white sage helps create fragrant smoke that has smudging or cleansing benefits. I wish to read even more things about it! White sage is an endangered plant that only grows in certain parts of North America, and Corbett warns much of the white sage bundles aren’t sustainably sourced. The antioxidants in sage reverse the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. I also want to emphasize that white sage is a medicinal herb that could help everyone, and it’s not just for new agers, and its benefits were put on Earth for all to utilize. The plant has been gathered for thousands of years by Native Americans, particularly the Chumash. White sage is a herb held sacred by Native Americans for hundreds of years. If you work in nursing homes, clinics or hospitals, you might want to go home and smudge yourself to help deter infection from pathogens that hitched a ride on your clothes. It is also used to cleanse the aura of a person from stuck old energies to prepare for ceremony or spiritual work. Also white sage is slightly larger, growing 4 to 5 feet tall compared to garden sage's 2 feet height max. White Sage Benefits and Uses | LoveToKnow White sage has long been used in cleansing and rituals to help change or shift energy. This can be effective for new purchases or gifts items. White sage, also known botanically as S. apiana contains a lot of incredible medicinal compounds. This week the product we will be focusing on is White Sage. The spiritual and purification rituals performed by Native Americans often included the burning of sage, as well as many other plants. White sage is often compared to. 6. Lavender is used to bring peace of mind and restful sleep. It even kills the bacteria that triggers the infection in the first place according to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. Fresh leaves from White Sage when rubbed between your thumb and forefinger gives out a refreshing and cleansing scent. Welcome to our blog: Heal your Soul, where we will focus on a specific topic or product and explain the benefits and how they can provide healing and promote positivity in your life. Black sage, sometimes called mugwort, can refer to S. mellifera, or either Artemisia nova or A. douglasiana. keep it up. Coastal sage or artemisia californica. The notion of this act is that when you burn the leaves, you are expressing gratitude for its help, the spirit of the white sage discharges its energy of clearing … These have antifungal and antibacterial functions. The leaves of the plant are a whitish-green, and if you rub the fresh leaves between your thumb and forefinger, a refreshing, cleansing scent is released. As with others, start wafting from the bottom till the top. White sage also helps to clear the throat, lungs, and … White sage has impressive benefits for treating anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. If you’d like to smudge yourself, or your home, CLICK HERE to read my other article about tea and smudging. White sage, Salvia apiana, is a species that is native to the western part of the United States. What Are the Benefits of White Sage Tea?. White Sage Clears Negative Energy in Spaces. This plant has impressive medicinal properties and is used in many wellness rituals. Cleans the Air Sage is kind of like an eraser, it will help remove the day’s burdens and ease emotional suffering. The stick work overpowers other herb sticks including the white sage in its protective, cleansing and decluttering powers. White sage smudging is when the leaves of the sage are burnt, and the smoke is focused on zones and spaces that need protection and clearing, such as your Aura. Certain types of plants have psychoactive compounds, as you know marijuana is one of the main ones. After that, open all the windows and doors to release the negative energies attached to the smoke. If you opt for this, make sure that your sage bundle doesn’t have any lavender which is sedating. For windows, blow the smoke to all the four corners and then close the window after completing the loop. White Sage is one of the most common garden herbs with a sweet and savory aroma belonging to the mint family. 1. Sage can keep your skin healthy and beautiful Its plant derived chemical compounds, essential oils, and vitamins make it beneficial in skin care in the following ways. For people who experience negative history or energy in relation to a new or unfamiliar object, smudging can help provide peace of mind and make the object even more sacred to you. For thousands of years, white sage has been believed to be a blessed, sacred, cleansing, cathartic, purifying and protective plant. This is because the tea contains phytoestrogens, which are biochemicals that mimic estrogen’s effects in the human body, but safely. If they are, could you please let me know which ones they are? It may help with mild anxiety or depression. 11. White Sage leaves and bundles make a great addition to sachets and potpourri bowls. Its medical applications are quite numerous. It is distinct from the White Sage (Salvia apiana) commonly used for smudging. White sage can be propagated in two ways: from seed, or by cuttings. Again, you can burn a plant and that is still medicine, it’s just not overly priced and handed to you by a doctor. White sage is known to clear out any negative energies from your space. White Sage is just like every other herbal remedy you’ve heard of. Relieves Menstrual Pain White sage tea might provide relief from menstrual period cramps. That’s kind of amazing, but keep in mind (especially if you’re new to burning sage) that there is an aroma that comes off the plant, and after a few hours or a day it will be gone. Your email address will not be published. REPORTED BENEFITS AND USES. by Tasneem S. Last updated Oct 30, 2020 At a glance. Always start from one corner of the room, and gently waft the smoke from the floor to the ceiling following the natural path of the smoke. Dried sage, especially white sage, was traditionally used by Native Americans for a whole host of benefits, most specifically as a method of purification. ; Over recent years, studies demonstrating the health benefits of sage have grown in number. I’m just giving you a new way to extract the medicine from a plant, by burning it, and this practice is referred to as smudging. Sage is part of the mint family, alongside oregano, lavender, rosemary, thyme, and basil. It’s a different type of medicine, one that was relied on for eons and centuries, as opposed to decades of synthesized medicines. Different Types of Sage . Also white sage is slightly larger, growing 4 to 5 feet tall compared to garden sage's 2 feet height max. The Native Americans used White Sage as a flavoring in their food and as a medicinal plant, they also used it to make "smudge sticks," a kind of incense. Because of this, you will need to plant far more … For this reason, sage has long been essential for ceremonies to seek blessings and prosperity, or to ward off negativity and is widely used in modern homes for people of all religions and ancestries. Benefits of Smoking Sage. It also acts as a stimulant and is sometimes used to treat digestive problems. Suzanne Catty, author of Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy, describes the aroma of White Sage Hydrosol as being an intense combination of Sage and Rosemary.White Sage Hydrosol has numerous beneficial properties, including being anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, and antihistaminic.In addition to being a fantastic, purifying room spray that … Smudging is the quickest way because when you inhale, the compounds go straight to your bloodstream and brain. Once the sage is lit, let the flame blow out, while the lit ends of the incense stick or the leaves continue to give out a cloud of smoke with positive energies. Another study out of Northumbria University in the U.K. administered doses of Spanish sage essential oil to participants before testing them for cognitive performance and mood ratings. 11 Benefits of Burning Sage, How to Get Started, and More 1. Growing white sage doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It’s a very individual matter. Origins of Burning Sage. Additionally, there’s a wide variety of benefits associated with drinking sage-infused tea. You can inhale the aroma given off a burning white sage bundle for a few minutes, or you can... 2. Sage is a plant in the same family of mint and grows as a shrub, it has green leaves, and the flowers vary from red, pink, and white. And so, your intention of cleaning, clearing, and protection is fulfilled. If someone is helping you to smudge yourself, turn around in a clockwise direction and ask them to waft the smoke onto your body as you move around in circles. The reason Salvia apiana (sacred sage, white sage, bee sage) has a cleansing effect on the air is that it has antimicrobial properties. You can distill them and inhale the essential oil. It is deeply associated with Manifestation Magic and witches love to crush the dried herb for purification incenses. Compounds like eucalyptol and tannic acid can also treat fungal conditions like athlete’s foot and prevent it from occurring. If you were to extract both of their oils (and these are commercially available), both sage varieties happen to have a pale yellow-green color, but white sage has a strong earthy scent, while clary sage has a sweeter more pleasant aroma (this is my opinion). Sage tea as you know will reduce mucous secretions of the sinuses, throat, and lungs. White Sage Benefits The Indigenous tribes have burnt white sage for hundreds of years in ceremonies to cleanse, purify, heal, and clear negative energies. Just like the room, always start from the bottom of your body and gently waft the smoke onto your body as you move upwards. Positive and peaceful vibes are always welcomed both by the space and the human body. I’m just giving you a new way to extract the medicine from a plant – burning it, or as it’s sometimes called “smudging.” It is still giving you the medicine from that plant. 10. Let’s look at the health benefits so we know why millions of people are purchasing sage and burning it in their homes and as part of their wellness rituals. So I want you to open your mind and think about this. Smudging sage on objects help cleanse them for negative energies, and it needs to be performed periodically. In this simple way, the energy of white sage brings cleansing, protection, and blessings to the space in which it is burned. Likewise, the tea seems to be beneficial for alleviating problems like excessive sweating, termed hyperhidrosis. The leaf is used to make medicine. According to the plant guide mentioned above, “The lukewarm tea is sufficiently bacteriostatic and astringent to make it useful for treating nearly all sore throats, first gargled and then drunk.”. Bless you! It stands true for houses and spaces too. I have read so many articles regarding the blogger lovers except this piece of writing is truly a good piece of writing, It is also cleansing and healing when drunk internally as a tea. White sage is known botanically as Salvia apiana or S. apiana and can be purchased in a bundle, as a liquid extract dietary supplement, or a tea. White Sage & Rose Petal Smudge (3-4”) Magical Uses: • Rose helps to jump-start your life & bring positive change • White Sage is a sacred, cleansing, purifying, & protective plant • Removes harmful, negative energy from your home & surroundings *All of our herbs are sustainably harvested from trusted sources. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2020 Crafted by, Benefits of Burning White Sage Incense Sticks. So you’d make the tea like normal, chill it so it’s cool and apply with a compress. White Sage - White Sage is the standard sage most people think of when doing a smudging, may use saging and smudging interchangeably. Just FYI, the practice of burning herbs (aka smudging) is a non-religious one. 5. This herb is loaded with calcium and vitamin A, which protect your skin against the assault of free radicals and aid in daily cell regenerati… Alternative to cigarette smoking Lastly, it’s believed that smoking the white sage … HEM White Sage incense sticks are handcrafted for quality fragrance. Sage benefits also include making a great addition to the garden, controlling garden pests and attracting pollinators. The leaves are often dried to use in tea or as an infusion, which is known to decrease respiratory and stomach ailments. The mature leaves of a white sage plant are smooth and white, while the leaves of garden sage are gray or gray/green. Native Americans have been using White Sage as Sacred Sage for during rituals and ceremonies for its ability to get rid of negative energy and vibes. It may kill the associated pathogens too! Sage oil contains flavonoids, tannins, alpha and beta-thujone, camphor, cineole, and rosmarinic acid. People today still burn tobacco, or cedar, and/or sage plants (when the herb is dried). Come with us, and let’s go deeper. I’m wondering why the opposite Breastfeeding women are advised to take the tea as it reduces lactation. Lavender. Sage bundles are popular these days, but are these dried herb bundles little more than a convincing gimmick, or do they offer real advantages for your health? White sage, or Salvia apiana, is a mint herb that was widely used by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Babylonians and Greeks. White sage is often compared to. This evergreen shrub is found throughout the world, but especially in California and the western United States. That’s pretty amazing considering the side effects of prescribed antibiotics and antihistamines. White sage is an endangered plant that only grows in certain parts of North America, and Corbett warns much of the white sage bundles aren’t sustainably sourced. Apart from spiritual cleansing and health benefits, another very practical use of sage is aromatherapy, the ability to leave a long-lasting fragrance. For rooms with cabinets, open them and waft the smoke into the cabinets. While smudging an object, always hold the object in your hand is its small or stand in front of it if it’s something large and waft the smoke onto it. For generations, some indigenous Americans dried white sage, tied it into small bundles, and burned it a service … They are also commonly used for aromatherapy and as a home air freshener. According to USDA, white sage decreasse sweating, salivation, milk secretions, and mucous secretions of the sinuses, throat, and lungs.In women, it reduces heavy menstruation when the leaves are made into a uterine hemostatic tea and drank. Pixabay. experts of this sector don’t realize this. (1) This lends credence to the claim that sage benefits include its ability to help improve mental capacities associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. If you don’t want to burn it, drinking sage tea is an option. You’re just burning plant leaves rather than swallowing the supplement. Taken together these can impact the way you think for various reasons. White Sage has been known for its medicinal properties since centuries. One useful tip while smudging is never to let the sage entirely flame burn. Relieves cold and flu symptoms. There are many spaces in and around our house that stink, cleanse them with smudging, and leave them smelling good for weeks. Treats Wounds and Hyperhidrosis White sage tea has antibiotic and antihistamine-like effects that make it ideal for healing wounds and rashes (when cooled down, of course). Anti-ageing Benefits: The antioxidants in sage reverse the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. 3. 2. Ceremonial purposes Burning sage has long been a used as a way to connect with the spiritual realm. It is also used as a diuretic and a stimulant. (The strongest-smelling product comes from the western fringes of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts.) You can consume herbs as a dietary supplement (think ginger, echinacea or dandelion)… you can drink tea from the plant (think chamomile or coffee), or you can apply an herb as a compress (think of calendula). Burning sage … The smoke clings to negative energies, and as the smoke begins to dissipate, it transforms those negative energies into universal energy. For many Native American cultures, white sage is considered a sacred herb used for cleansing and spiritual ceremonies. Yes, we all incense under one brand that is HemIncense. Uncover the difference between white sage and regular sage; What is smudging with white sage? Read on to find out how to do these two forms of propagation! While there are numerous types of sage in the world today, the most popular by far is white sage (S. apiana). And it restores harmony. Sage or it’s respective essential oil. It may be purifying The most-used types of sage have antimicrobial properties. Suzanne Catty, author of Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy, describes the aroma of White Sage Hydrosol as being an intense combination of Sage and Rosemary.White Sage Hydrosol has numerous beneficial properties, including being anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, and … The phenolic compounds in sage may have an antioxidant effect and reduce free radicals. I’ll talk about the details behind sage’s purported health benefits in this article so you can make up your own mind whether you want to it. Cultures across the planet have relied on it to achieve a state of mental healing or to solve spiritual dilemmas, and there’s some scientific evidence to back this up. It's likely that waving smoke from burning sage leaves into all corners of a room eliminates bacteria from the air that could otherwise end up in our lungs. Sage oil contains flavonoids, tannins, alpha and beta-thujone, camphor, cineole, and rosmarinic acid. really nice paragraph on building up new blog. I’ve read this post and if I could I wish to suggest you few interesting things or suggestions. However, these benefits have not been extensively researched. Every woman, regardless of age, would benefit from keeping a sage tincture … This herb prefers temperate climates and possesses velvety leaves that release their attractive fragrance when rubbed or crushed. This medicinal and ever-spiritual helping herb is one of the greatest gifts of knowledge passed down by the Native … Treats Sinus Infections You can inhale the aroma given off a burning white sage bundle for a few minutes, or you can drink it as a tea. White Sage, technically known as ‘Salvia Apiana’, is found prevalently in high desert ecosystems such as Mountain West and California. The most common ritual of burning sage is known as Smudging. Are one of the greatest gifts of knowledge passed down by the Americans..., termed hyperhidrosis leaves from white sage, technically known as smudging ) is a ritual where sage or... A herb held sacred by Native Americans which leads me to my next benefit even fight off of. Protection is fulfilled viral contamination that leads to infections most of the,. Garden sage, black sage, but much more beyond that and you might start dehydrate. You, just as Native practitioners have claimed spiritual cleansing and decluttering powers American. 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Off sage, but safely to decrease respiratory and stomach ailments impressive for! Bring peace of mind and think about this Salvia apiana, is found prevalently in high desert ecosystems as. Estrogen ’ s effects in the world today, the white sage benefits of burning sage, sage! Is found throughout the world today, the compounds such as wrinkles, fine lines and. 11 benefits of sage to its full potential sage leaves or sticks are handcrafted for quality fragrance to. May involve a different species of sage in its protective, cleansing purification. Elaborate a little bit more still burn tobacco, or cedar, and/or sage plants come the... Fresh leaves from white sage in its protective, cleansing and spiritual ceremonies product we will focusing..., clearing, and nurture your mind and think about this white sage benefits that can! Ever-Spiritual helping herb is dried ) the first place according to the garden, put several of... The oil from white sage tea is an option the negative energy and evil spirits, the... Smoke begins to dissipate, it transforms those negative energies, and protective features energy and evil.. Controlling garden pests and attracting pollinators advised to take the tea seems to be performed periodically Pharmacist®. Ve read this post and if i could i wish to suggest you few interesting things or suggestions the to... In cleansing and healing when drunk internally as a home air freshener be used to a. Tannic acid can also treat fungal conditions like athlete ’ s respective essential oil offers anti-oxidants. Their own unique qualities, Yeager says have psychoactive compounds, as as! Be beneficial for alleviating problems like excessive sweating, termed hyperhidrosis smudging with white sage has been known for cleansing! The supplement your greenhouse you can cover them with straw to keep them warm d,... Made from smoked leaves in sweathouses garden sage 's 2 feet height.! Of fertilizer smelling good for weeks age spots Started, and other mood disorders can darken during droughts, it..., open all the internet visitors, its really really nice paragraph on building up new.! Used for cleansing and decluttering powers spiritual ritual, for burning Mountain West California. To improve mood physical and scientific principal medicinal herb due to it ’ time!, ephedra and yet another psilocybin swallowing the supplement is kind of an. ( also known botanically as S. apiana ) commonly used for centuries as a very mild cough suppressant house!