Elevator Installation Service

Professional Residential Elevator Services
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Brooklyn, New York
Reliable Elevator Service in Brooklyn, New York
brooklyn elevator Installation service
As a prospective customer of quality elevator installation services, you may be wondering what the elevator installation process entails, the parts involved, etc. That’s why we have put together a comprehensive guide detailing the installation process, which breaks everything down into bite sized pieces, which could be readily understood by the general public.
Although new technologies are constantly being discovered to make elevators safer and more efficient, the basic principles of the elevator remain largely the same. That’s right, unlike computers and cell phones, elevators have not changed much, if at all, during the past few decades. After all, if you examine an elevator system, it is nothing more than a number of simpler machines working in unison behind the scenes. Let’s take a deeper look into these vital components.
Putting aside extreme examples such as the elevators in the Eiffel Tower that move diagonally, most elevators travel vertically along a pre-defined space, called the shaft. This is the space within which the elevator moves, taking you from one floor to another. Assuming this is a new construction, constructing the shaft will be the first step. It is vital that the measurements line up with the elevator cab’s measurements, no room for error here!
Once the shaft is built, the elevator cab, sheave and motor, control unit, counterweight and the guiderails can then be installed. But even before all of that, we need to address a primary piece of the puzzle: power source.
Your elevator needs a constant supply of power to function optimally at all times, so this is where proper electrical wiring comes in. Your elevator service company will work with you to determine the amount of power that needs to be supplied to your elevator. This may depend on how much weight the elevator is rated to carry, the height of the building, among other factors such as elevator occupancy during peak loads, etc.
The elevator itself moves up and down using a sheave and motor, which is simply a pulley system that is attached to, and powered by, an electric motor. The motor manipulates the sheave to move in the direction the elevator needs to go, ie. to the floor where the occupant wants to go. The pulley is composed of steel roles that are attached to the elevator cab. Typically found above the shaft is the control unit, which is a device that picks up the signals from the control buttons on every floor, which it then uses to (powered by the motor) move the elevator up or down.
Elevators depend on guide rails as a form of, you guessed it- guide. Modern traction elevators have two guiderails, one which guides the elevator cab and the other one is used as a guide for the counterweight. The counter weight is a device which prevents undue strain from being placed on the motor. It can exert an opposing force to the motor, in either direction. The guide rails and counterweight work in lockstep to provide ride comfort for passengers, in addition to providing a safety mechanism in case of malfunction.
The elevator cabin is typically made of steel for maximum strength and durability. All contemporary cabins are required to have an emergency system, and may sport other optional features such as suspended ceiling, custom lighting system and an HVAC system to ensure ride comfort. Contemporary elevators can be highly customized to feature luxury interiors, see-through glass walls and flooring, audible floor announcements, LCD-powered panels that display a welcome screen and advertisements, etc.
Are you excited by the prospect of having an elevator in your building that incorporates all the aforementioned cutting edge technologies? If so, make a consultation with BROOKLYN ELEVATOR SERVICE right away. We provide high quality elevator installation services with best-in-class workmanship and customer service. We accommodate commercial buildings of all ages and size, and recruit the most experienced elevator installers in the industry who possess stringent qualifications. Our installation specialists pay attention to detail, and will handle your mission-critical objectives in a timely manner. Reach out to us today so that we can discuss your elevator installation project (347) 835 4009.
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(347) 835 4009
Brooklyn, New York